miles . Susan , already feeling better , is more motivated than ever .
Pauline , a nurse at Kaiser , will amaze you . In her fifties , Pauline ’ s six-pack is not a beer ! That ’ s right , at her age , she actually has better abs than many half her age . Marv who is in his 80s , overcame back issues with exercise and a healthy diet and can bike 50 miles a week . The most touching story is of a man in his 60s who walked into the gym , hesitant . “ He went to the gym because his wife ‘ highly encouraged ’ him to ,” says Ricardo . He had a fused neck , had gone through several surgeries and had not been active . Ricardo tends to focus on what a client is capable of rather than a predetermined goal . Now this gentleman is doing 50 sit-ups , 50 wall balls , 50 push-ups , runs 1.5 miles and walks 1.5 miles . Not only can he now keep up with his wife , he is now an inspiration to us all !
Having a certified private trainer who can also guide you in nutrition is one of
the best ways to health but it can get pricey . I specifically mention NetFitness because Ricardo , bothered that those with limited budgets could not have a private trainer , adjusted prices and introduced new packages . They have a session for 4-8 people with a private trainer , for example , at a price that eliminates people ’ s alibis .
Certified trainers now provide diet and work-out guidance . Take the first step : go to a gym and inquire . If you go to Net Fitness , you will find your alibis disappearing with each session . We have several good gyms locally - it is up to you to take that first step no matter what age you are .
Of course , you can do it alone . The Visiting Angels Lose2Gain Challenge attracted locals who , on their own , worked on their weight . Desiree , the top cash winner , lost a total of 31 pounds in three months but thinks that combining her diet with a work-out regime would be her strategy this year .
Do yourself a favor - make aging easier – take control of your health !
Sources :
Ricardo Espinosa , Net Fitness Bestfitnesstrainer1 @ gmail . com
Top Ten Medical Breakthroughs in 2014 by L . Collier Cool
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