Getting The Most From Google - A Guide For Small Business Owners Getting The Most From Twitter | Page 8

indicative costs continued only pay one penny above the second place advertiser ’ s quality-adjusted bid . The common term for this model is , therefore , a second price auction .

The campaign type determines which actions the business is bidding for and will be charged for once the campaign starts running . If the campaign objective is clicks , the business only pays for the click action . If the campaign objective is followers , the business only pays for the amount of new followers and so forth (“ Twitter Ads pricing ,” 2016 ).

Twitter Ads what why options

Twitter Analytics is an analytical tool that a business can use to get a better understanding of its followers , their behaviour and its own twitter performance . It helps to analyse what works for the business on Twitter and what does not (“ Twitter analytics ,” 2016 ).
Twitter Analytics is relevant for a business if it wants to optimise its use of Twitter and make sure that it is achieving the highest results possible . Analytics is a great tool for a business if it wants to know who its followers are , what their interests are , how they react to the business ’ tweets or ads and how its ads are performing overall (“ Twitter analytics ,” 2016 ).
Twitter Analytics offer a wide range of different analytical tools and systems to measure almost any activity . There are four analytical main areas (“ Campaign measurement and analytics ,” 2016 ; “ Twitter analytics ,” 2016 ): + Account home : Account home provides the business with a summary of account activity and highlights the top tweets , mentions and followers for any given month . The page provides detailed information on how the account is performing , how far the business has progressed as well as helpful tips on how to improve the account strategy . A summary will include measures of the following areas : - Tweets : number of time the business tweeted - Tweet impressions : number of times users are served the tweet in timelines , search results , or from the business ’ profile - Profile visits : number of times users visited the profile page