Getting The Most From Google - A Guide For Small Business Owners Getting The Most From Twitter | Page 7

options continued tweet but it is like a regular tweet in every other way . People can retweet , reply , like , and more . These Promoted Tweets will appear three places : on the top of search results for certain terms , on the top of user ’ s timeline if they currently follow the business and , in the timeline of users who are not currently following the business (“ Campaign types ,” 2016 ; Gorby , 2011 ). + App campaigns : This type of campaign is for businesses who want to promote a mobile app , get people to re-engage with the app or simply just download the app . The advertising tool is called an “ App Card ” and it is a powerful ad format that allows users to preview an image , view app ratings , and install or open an app directly from their Twitter timelines (“ Campaign types ,” 2016 ; Gorby , 2011 ). + Promoted Trends : This is actually not an objective-based campaign in itself , but still a way of advertising a business and increase awareness , conversations , engagements and followers . This form of advertising can achieve any of the above-mentioned outcomes . Promoted Trends is an extension of the “ trending topics ” which are lists of what Twitter users are currently talking about . Businesses can buy placement at the top of the trending topics section . This means that users see time , context , and event-sensitive trends that promoted to appear on the top of the trending lists but they will be clearly marked as promoted . Promoted trends can be purchased by the day , per geography ( Gorby , 2011 ; “ What are Promoted Trends ?,” 2016 ). indicative costs

Twitter advertising is priced via an auction based system . A business ’ bid and budget come into play when controlling the costs in its campaign - the budget and the bid determine the price of the campaign . There is no minimum for using Twitter Ads . The system only charges the advertiser when an action ( based on the campaign objectives ) is acquired . Hence , it is not possible to provide an exact price for the cost of Twitter Ads , since this is based on the business ’ budget and bid – as well as the campaign objective (“ Twitter Ads pricing ,” 2016 ).
When setting up a campaign , businesses have two options to choose from when determining how to set their bids for their campaigns : automatic or maximum bidding (“ Twitter Ads pricing ,” 2016 ). + Automatic bidding is a bidding option that enables Twitter to auto-optimise the bids for a given campaign objective and budget on the advertiser behalf . When selecting the automatic bid option , Twitter will attempt to enter the advertiser in auctions with the lowest bid possible , while also delivering on the advertiser ’ s overall campaign objective . + Maximum bidding allows users to manually select how much a lead , click or engagement is worth to their business . When entering the manual bid , the business will not pay that amount when it wins an objective-based campaign auction . Instead , it will