Getting The Most From Google - A Guide For Small Business Owners Getting The Most From Twitter | Page 6

Twitter Ads what & why

Advertising is a centrepiece of Twitter ’ s business model . However , Twitter does not want to ruin its image by running boring display advertising with big banners as is seen on other social media platforms . It wants the advertising to blend in , to be unobtrusive and a part of the Twitter system ( Gorby , 2011 ). As mentioned above , there are more than 550 million active Twitter users , 70 % of SMBs are on Twitter , and 69 % of Twitter respondents have purchased from an SMB after following it on Twitter . Twitter is a massive platform for businesses to tap into to reach new or established customers and achieve results . Twitter helps the business to get in front of the people who are interested in the business . Whether the business wants to reach a small niche group or connect with a global audience , Twitter offers a variety of targeting options to help connect businesses with the right people (“ Advertising on Twitter ,” 2016 ).

Twitter Ads objective-based campaigns are designed to help the business achieve results that will drive action and add value to the business . With Twitter Ads a business can create campaigns that are tailored for a variety of business goals , from driving traffic to increase brand awareness and the best part is that it only pays for action based on the marketing objective . If the objective-based campaign chosen is to drive website clicks , the business only pays for that specific action , and not any other action the follower might choose to do . options

A business can choose between following objective-based campaign types : + Website click campaigns : This campaign is for the businesses who want to increase site visits , conversations , and sales . This ad type is called a “ Website Card ” and is a powerful format that allows the Twitter users to preview an image , related context , and a clear call to action in their timeline (“ Campaign types ,” 2016 ). + Followers campaigns : This campaign is for the businesses who want to build an audience . This type of campaign promotes a business ’ Twitter account to the desktop and mobile users in places like the “ who-tofollow ” panel and user ’ s timeline . Twitter already recommends people or businesses for users to follow . The recommendation is based on a very simple algorithm : Twitter suggests that a user follows people or businesses that their friends already follow . However , with “ Promoted Accounts ” businesses can buy their way into the suggestion box and gain new followers . The price is set at an auction and the ad is priced per new follower that the business achieves (“ Campaign types ,” 2016 ; Gorby , 2011 ). + Engagement campaigns : A Tweet engagement campaign promotes a business ’ Tweets ( promoted Tweets ) to a large , targeted group of people . It enables the business to place its best content in front of the audience that matters the most , at the time where it will have the most effect . A Promoted Tweet is clearly labelled as a “ promoted ”