Getting The Most From Google - A Guide For Small Business Owners Getting The Most From Twitter | Page 5

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(“ Intro to Twitter for Business ,” 2016 ). o Connect with potential customers , brand advocates , and influencers : A business can follow and interact with people outside of its personal network . It is a great opportunity for joining and starting discussions with influencers and industry experts and to raise the profile of the business (“ Intro to Twitter for Business ,” 2016 )

Having a business profile provides a range of activity options for the business . Here are six of the most common activity options (“ Intro to Twitter for Business ,” 2016 ): + Tweet : A business can tweet ( post ) a message on Twitter that contains text , photos , links and videos . It can be about its products , customers , employees , industry , or in general whatever area of interest the business would want to engage with . + Reply : Replying to other people ’ s tweets is a way to show that the business is listening to customer / follower . It shows that the business care and is willing to provide helpful answers . + Retweet : A retweet means that a business can share a tweet from someone else with its own followers . It is a good way of engaging followers as well as showing that the business is listening to its followers , influencers or industry experts . + Like : To like someone ’ s tweet is a simple way to acknowledge the person . It can also be useful to use as a bookmarking tool if the business would like to easily find that particular tweet again . + Hashtag : A hashtag is any word or phrase without spaces , beginning with the symbol : #. People use this hashtag to categorise and organise conversations and contents and that way make it easier to find the related content to a given topic . If a user clicks on a hashtag he or she is sent directly to the search results for that term . Hashtags have become very popular not only on Twitter but on all social media platforms . + Mention : Bring a tweet to another person ’ s attention by including this person ’ s or business ’ username in a message . It can be used to ask someone a question , to thank them , or to simply highlight a specific content / tweet that might be interesting to them . indicative costs

Creating a Twitter account is free and so is participating in the normal activities as tweeting , retweeting , replying etc . As long as the content shared / tweeted from the business profile is “ organic ”, it is free of charge .