Getting The Most From Google - A Guide For Small Business Owners Getting The Most From Twitter | Page 4

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Twitter Profiles what why

Twitter is yet another social media platforms where businesses can engage with fans and customers . It is built on the principle of “ micro-blogging ” which means posts with 140 characters or less . When a business registers as a Twitter user , it creates a profile with a summary of the business along with an image and a link to the website . The profile shows how many people follow the business , how many people the business follows , as well as the number of tweets the business has created . All the tweets ( messages ) that a business creates are displayed on its Twitter profile . These can be viewed by people searching for information about that particular topic , as well as the followers (“ Social Media Marketing Tutorial - How to Promote Your Business on Twitter ,” 2015 ) (“ How Twitter works ,” 2016 )
There are more than 550 million active twitter users across the world ( 2.9 million in Australia alone ) which makes Twitter a massive platform to engage the target audience . More than 70 % of small businesses are on Twitter , which means that more likely than not the competitors of a particular business are already on Twitter , competing for the customers . Hence , Twitter is an important tool to stay ahead in the competition for customers (“ Social Media Marketing Tutorial - How to Promote Your Business on Twitter ,” 2015 ; “ Using Twitter to market your business ,” 2016 ). Here is some further encouragement to join Twitter (“ Twitter followers ,” 2016 ): + 78 % of people who follow an SMB on Twitter retweet content from that business . + 75 % of the people following an SMB on Twitter feel better about the business after following it and reading its tweets . + 69 % of respondents have purchased something from an SMB after following it on Twitter .
A business should use Twitter if it wants to : + Discover what is happening right now : Twitter gives a business access to what is going on in its industry and around the world . The business can search for relevant conversations that are happening on a relevant topic and join in the conversation (“ Intro to Twitter for Business ,” 2016 ). + Increase its brand awareness : The business can raise the awareness of its profile and its business by regularly communicate with its followers (“ Intro to Twitter for Business ,” 2016 ). + Provide timely customer service : People will often talk about the products they use on Twitter , so it is a natural place for a business to provide customer service . 85 % of small and medium businesses on Twitter agree that it is important to support queries . This will help the business develop a good reputation and a strong relationship with the customers