Getting The Most From Google - A Guide For Small Business Owners Getting The Most From Twitter | Page 9

options continued

- Mentions : number of times the business was mentioned in tweets - New followers : number of new followers gained - Tweets linked to the business : number of time the business ’ twitter cards were tweeted by the business and / or other users + Tweet activity dashboard : The Tweet activity dashboard displays tweet data to help optimise a business ’ performance on Twitter . A business can leverage these insights to inform ongoing content strategy for both paid and organic tweets and content . This dashboard can for example answer following questions : - How many impressions do the tweets receive ? - Which of the tweets resonate best with the target audience ? - How does the tweet metrics break out by organic and promoted activity ? - How does the recent performance compare to past results ? - How does the engagement metrics break down by type ? When a business learns what resonates best with its audience it can start tweeting similar content . This dashboard is , therefore , helpful to visit if the business it thinking about planning a content calendar for its Twitter account . + Audience insight : Knowing the audience enables a business to focus its content and better connect with people that matter to the business . Twitter ’ s audience insight provides the business with a real-time look at the people that are most relevant to the business , such as its followers or people who have engaged with the business ’ tweets . The business can learn about its audience ’ s demographics , interests , lifestyle , and purchase behaviours – and leverage these insights to create the most relevant message and help the business identify new audiences . + Campaign dashboard : When a business is trying to grow , setting goals and tracking results in a timely and accurate manner is critical . This campaign dashboard helps businesses optimise their Twitter ads campaigns . Following areas can be tracked : - Impressions : how many times have the ads been seen - Results : how many actions were taken on the ads - Engagement rate : the number of impressions divided by the number of results - Cost per result : how much the business is paying , on average , for each relevant action people are taking from its ads indicative costs

The above mentioned analytical tools are free .