Getting The Most From Google - A Guide For Small Business Owners Getting The Most From Twitter | Page 15

Costs and Benefits for Small Business

Indicative Costs Benefits / ROI
Twitter Profile
Free Tangible : - Possible sales increase - Increased social ROI > Increased impressions > Increased reach > Increased number of followers > Increased post / photo likes > Increased amount of retweets > Increased amounts of comments > Increased website click through rates
Intangible : - Increased brand awareness - Increased brand association
Twitter ads
The price is set in an auction based system . The costs depend on which bidding method the business chose and what budget it has . There is no minimum budget so a business can spend as little or as much as it likes .
Tangible : - Possible sales increase - Increased social ROI > Increased impressions > Increased reach > Increased number of followers > Increased post / photo likes > Increased amount of retweets > Increased amounts of comments > Increased website click through rates
Intangible : - Increased brand awareness - Increased brand association
Twitter Analytics
Tangible : - Saved costs on market analysis
Intangible :
- Increased knowledge about consumers