options continued
+ Video Ads Video ads offer the same visually immersive quality as the photo ads do , but they also add the power of sound , sight , and motion . Videos can be up to 60 seconds long and can be formatted in a landscape shape instead of the typical Instagram square . It also provides the business with the opportunity to give the viewer some information that he or she would otherwise have to look for and might have ended up giving up before getting to it .
+ Carousel Ads Carousel ads give the business an opportunity to add more than just one picture to an ad . The carousel ads bring an additional layer of depth to the photo ads allowing viewers to swipe to see additional images as well as going to a call to action button that will then bring the viewer to the business ’ website where he or she can learn more about the product .
Costs are calculated via a bidding and auction process just as with Facebooks ads . And since both Instagram ads and Facebook ads are run by Facebook , the indicative costs here will be the same as in the Facebook guide :
How much a business wants to spend on its ads is totally up to itself . The budget can be as high or as low as the business prefers , and can be changed , paused or stopped at any time . If the business wants to set a maximum budget on $ 5 per day , it can do so . indicative costs
Different factors affect how much the ads will cost ( Gotter , 2016 ): + The audience the business is targeting ( if all companies are targeting the same audience , it will be more expensive to bid ) + The quality of the ad ( the better the quality , the cheaper the bid ) + The time of the year ( holiday seasons and public holidays are more expensive to bid on ) There are different types of bidding options , or ways a business can pay for ads . These include ( Gotter , 2016 ): + Cost per click ( CPC ): the business is paying only for each user that clicks on its ad . The people don ’ t have to complete conversations or purchase anything ; they just have to click the ad . + Impressions ( CPM ): the business pays for cost per 1,000 impressions . The cost per impressions is much lower than the cost per click , and when the business wants to get a lot of eyes on its ads , this can be a good way to go . + Cost per action ( CPA ): the business pays and bids on a specific action being taken . This means that the business pays for the customer conversation . These conversations may cost more than clicks , but this bidding option is designed to get the business more conversations , which should provide a higher ROI . + Cost per like : this payment method is used in campaigns where the objective is to gain likes on the business ’ page . This allows the business to pay for each like it gets from the ad .