Getaway: Final Portfolio Getaway | Page 11


A Mom's Heart ......................................... Q4/Poetry

A Mom’s Heart is a poem that shows what the love of a mom towards her child can do. The genesis of this piece emerged after Mother’s Day. I decided to write a poem to my mother and show how much I loved her. The evolution of this piece didn’t change as much as I wanted to, however, the end results accomplished my goal. Some of the changes I did were suggested by a peer feedback activity we did in class. Two peers help me improve my piece by suggesting the addition of specific metaphors that compared mother to nature. They also helped me include more details to connect the idea of maternity with nature, which is the main theme of my poem. These major changes affected the piece by improving it and making the poem flow in a more soft way. In general, I believe this is one of the best poems I have written this year, not only because I was able to empower the love I have to my mother, but also because I was competent of relating this to mother nature with different literary devices. I feel like I have achieved the main purpose of this poem, as well as transmit the tenderness of all mothers. One specific strength of my piece is the use of exaggeration and comparisons such as the ones seen in the following stanza, “But there it lays,/ A mom’s heart,/ Piping hot,/ Roasting up the fragments of icicles that wished to kill it,/ Trying its best to remain alive/ And bring deep affection to someone’s future life.” One weakness of my poem is that sometimes there are verses that seem confusing and that are difficult for the reader to understand such as the one that relates to the Sun and how it melts. An area for further improvement could be the clarification of these parts which could help the

reader understand the message behind the poem.