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THE BETA SWITCH: THE NEW STUBBORN FAT SOLUTION FOR WOMEN You’ll remember that earlier I mentioned that stubborn fat contains far more alpha receptors than beta receptors. Lower body fat has been found to carry as much as 9 times more of the baddies (alpha receptors) than the goodies (beta receptors). This doesn’t paint a pretty picture. The ability to lose stubborn first depends on the ability to mobilize or break down that fat out of the cells and into the bloodstream. Stubborn fat is not mobilized out of the cells as easily as fat is mobilized from other areas of the body, due to the ratio of good to bad adrenoreceptors. It’s important to again highlight that you will only lose stubborn fat after you have lost fat from the more easily mobilized areas of fat. Your body won’t touch stubborn fat until all the other fat is gone. Lack of blood flow to areas of stubborn fat is also an issue (as if we needed any more!). This makes it harder for the fat to be mobilized away from the cells to be burned off as energy. You see, there’s something called re-esterification. If we were to get all geeky , we’d talk about alcohols and fatty acids, and how fat that isn’t mobilized and used can be re-esterified. But we’re going to keep this really simple. When you exercise and manage to get some of the fat in your stubborn areas released from your cells, if you don’t do something that mobilizes that fat and actually uses it for energy, re-esterification will ultimately mean that the fat is sucked right back into the cells you just worked to release it from. I told you there’s a reason it’s STUBBORN fat. But don’t despair. There are ways to prevent re-esterification. Your ability to lose stubborn fat first depends on the ability to mobilize or break down that fat out of your cells and into your blood stream. AND you need to make sure the fat is burned off and not left circulating in the blood stream only to be stored as fat once again. I’ll show you EXACTLY how to do that in the Beta Switch Targeted Training Program. 15