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THE BETA SWITCH: THE NEW STUBBORN FAT SOLUTION FOR WOMEN What Is Stubborn Fat And Cellulite? Cellulite (If you don’t have problems with cellulite, skip forward a few pages to “Stubborn Fat” and start reading there. Otherwise, you’ll want to read this section.) Cellulite is usually found in places where we store stubborn fat -- the thighs, bum, backs of the arms, and stomach. It is those areas of skin that look lumpy, kind of like cottage cheese or the surface of a golf ball. Let’s get it straight from the beginning – cellulite is not a disease, an illness, or a ‘condition.’ It’s simply additional fat. It looks different because of the structure of the fat cells in the connective tissue of women. If the connective tissue doesn’t hold in the underlying fat, it creates that lumpy look. Underneath the dermis (the skin’s inner layer) and epidermis (the outer layer) are three specific layers of fat. Cellulite tends to develop in the subcutaneous fat layer, just beneath the skin. Cellulite affects women more than men because the structure of the layers of skin and fat is different in males. The subcutaneous fat layer in a woman is organized into large upright chambers where the fat is stored. In men, these chambers are organized into small slanting units. 11