Get Ultimate Herpes Protocol Review PDF eBook Book | Page 29

How to Kill the Herpes Virus Having talked about everything from the history of herpes right through to Antiviral Herpes medication I'm sure you’re keen to learn how to actually take control of your condition and get rid of herpes for good. The truth is you really don't have to live with herpes. That all too common phrases 'You Can't Cure Herpes' are wrong. As I said at the beginning of this publication “I won't claim this method is a cure for Herpes”, why because anything that claims to be a cure has to be a licensed drug, medication or therapy and although this herpes relief protocol is based on sound medical science & widely practised in many different ways it is not licensed as a drug. The drug companies hate it because they can't patent it and therefore can't control it & the FDA don't like it because they pretty much do what the drug companies want them to do. The fact that this method is neither a licensed medication nor an FDA evaluated treatment means very little, far less than they would have you believe. The FDA hasn’t evaluated Green Tea but we all know that it provides health benefits. Most modern medicines / drugs owe their very existence to what is now