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termed as natural or alternative medicines or treatments.
These alternative medicines or treatments are often frowned upon only
because they do not make money for the huge drug giants. And yet up until a
hundred or so years ago these methods were considered commonplace &
accepted as medicine.
We have all to a certain extent fallen under the spell of the drug corporations,
after all it's far easier to swallow a couple of pills than say boil a couple of
leaves isn't it.
The method detailed in this publication falls somewhere between alternative
and accepted medical practise. It is a very real procedure for getting rid of the
herpes simplex virus, I know what you’re thinking, your doctor told you that
it's not possible – Well, if you’re treating herpes with synthesized,
symptomatic drugs, then your doctors absolutely right. However If you knew
how to kill viral pathogens throughout the body – Then your doctor would be
What I am about to reveal to you is not some cobbled together theory either,
versions of this procedure have been in existence since the turn of the last
century & popular in some countries especially Germany since the Second
World War (Still in use might I add).