GET THE LOOK Magazine | Page 11

Even though the street is very busy with people it is also very busy with onjested traffic. It is a main road for London buses and taxis. With so many people, buses and taxis about it causes significant problems with traffic congestion, saftey and also pollution.

Many managment traffic schemes have have been propsed by Transport For London, including one very good idea which was to ban privet vehicles during daytime hours on weekdays and Saturday's along with improved pedestrian crossings. However, unfotunatley none of these have been approved and Oxford Street is still as manic as ever.

Oxford Street has an annual switching on of Christmas Lights by different celebrities, and this event has been going since 1959.

It is another large attraction Oxford Street has to entice visitors to the street and also brings money into the surrounding retail stores.

oxford street map

Location of retailers