London as a whole is a well known place for shopping, it has some of the most prestigious shopping departments, designer stores and the shopping experience in general.
Oxford Street is exactly that. It has everything from pop up shops, vintage shops, high street retailers followed by designer stores. It is one of the most highly visited shopping streets visited in London as it offers so many brands to browse around. One of the most well know hight street retailers known for being on oxford street is ‘Topshop.’ Topshop on Oxford Street attracts so much attention as it is the one of the largest stores it has in the UK. It is a grand feature of Oxford Street as the huge store attracts attention along with the grand sign standing out on the front of it.
It is a major road in the City Of Westminster in the West End and it is Europe's busiest shopping street, thats why we get so many visitors! On average there is around half a million daily visitors and has approximately 300 shops.
Despite feirce competition from other rival shopping streets and centres, like Westfield, Oxford Street remains in high demad as a retail location and often seen as a must have place to go shopping in London.
It holds several chains hosting their flagship stores alog the street and has a umber of listed buildings .