GET THE LOOK Magazine | Page 9

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For my evaluation on my Joomag magazine, I think I should start by saying I should have given myself for time to finalise more details that I wated too. However, rather than starting on a negative note, I think my main positve from using Joomag is the fact that I agained a lot of new skills through using is daily. I soon go the hang of all the boxes, how to add text in, how to add in photos and videos.

What I think went well for me was that I had almost every article completed before starting my Joomag, or I at least had the notes that I could use to put together an enjoyable reading article. This also enabled me to add in photos as I added in text so that I could get a clearer vison of space and layout.

I feel like my Joomag doen't look like a magazine, however to me I love it! I think its really different, I've kept to a clean, vibrant colour scheme which I think is really effective.

Potenitially next time I feel like I should make it more of a traditional magazine, but I wanted to give my take on this one. Also maybe try new tools and new add ins.

Joomag has been an interesting online magazine creation but I think in future I shall probably be using it again as you can do as simple or as complicated as you like.