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Confidence language will react accordingly. You will stand up straight, you’ll smile, you’ll look at the girls and hold strong eye contact with them. Voila! You are a powerful, confident man, and you are naturally displaying all of the qualities that women are attracted to. The interesting thing is that women don’t necessarily read your body language and immediately decide whether or not they’re attracted to you. Don’t get me wrong – it does happen quickly, but women usually wait to see your reaction to something before making a true assessment of you. If they can see you in a situation in which you’re being tested in some way and they can watch your body language in that situation, they then know for sure that you’re acting from a direct link to your emotions, which are direct links to your beliefs, which show them whether or not you think you're truly valuable. The four women in the walking-down-the- street example became attracted to you based on the body language they read from your reaction to their silence and laughter, not your initial body language. Now let’s pretend that the same scenario happened a little differently. You’re still walking down the street, and you still pass the same group of girls. This time, however, instead of believing that you are attractive, Now let’s pretend that the same scenario you think that you are only mildly successful with women. When the happened a little differently. girls start laughing behind you, what’s your natural response? Because you don’t believe that TheTaoOfBadass 28