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CONfidENCE 27 believe you have high-value , others will believe it too . If you don ’ t believe you have high value , your body language will project negative messages instead . And because your body language is controlled by your emotions and your emotions are controlled by your beliefs , women read your body language to assess what you believe , so make sure your beliefs aren ’ t limiting your success .

I ’ m not going to pretend that redefining and reinventing your belief system is an easy task , because for most people it isn ’ t , but it ’ s one of the most important things you ’ ll ever do . In order to be a true badass with women , every man must get to the point where he can control his emotions to be positive so his body language naturally falls in line with those emotions .
Imagine a scenario in which you ’ re walking down the street . As a confident man , you recognize that you have lots of qualities that make you desirable to women . In other words , you ’ re hot shit , and you know it . As you ’ re walking , you notice a group of four attractive girls who are walking towards you . The moment you pass them , the girls all stop talking . You continue without acknowledging them , and as soon as the girls are just a few steps behind you they break out into a fit oflaughter . What ’ s your natural response ? If you believe that you are attractive , your emotions will fall in line with that belief and you will feel more attractive . You will think that the girls began laughing because they were nervous around you and wanted to get your attention .
Because your beliefs lead to positive emotions , your body

