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assessments based on the information they gather from doing
Why do we put so much faith in the messages of body language?
Isn’t it something that could easily be faked? Actually, it’s
not. Body language lives largely in your subconscious mind,
which means that you’re not really aware of the messages
it’s sending. Your subconscious mind is also home to your
emotions, so whatever you’re feeling at any given moment
tends to show automatically in your body language. Very
few people are able to learn to completely and effectively
control their body language, so it’s almost always an accurate,
trustworthy source of information about someone.
This brings up yet another important question: if body language
is controlled by emotions, what are emotions controlled by?
And if you figure out what is in charge of your emotions,
can you override it and direct them consciously and control
your emotions? Wouldn’t it be great if you had the power
to make sure that you were never nervous, never flustered,
never angry? If you could always be happy, confident, and
in control? Of course it would! And believe it or not, it is
possible. In order to do that, though, you’re going to have to
learn to hack into your brain and make it work for you.
The things that control your
emotions are your beliefs. If you
believe you’re confident, you
will be. If you believe you’re in
control, you are. If you believe
you’re worth something, if you
...women read your body language to assess
what you believe ...