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Confidence have money, you probably had to work for it. If you earned that much money working, you probably hold a powerful position in which many people depend on you. Women typically find the idea that a man being capable of performing under extreme amounts of pressure to be highly attractive. Women also like men in leadership positions because it signifies that people follow them, trust them, and place value on in their opinions and ideas. A man like that is able to make other people feel valuable simply because they are with them. Confidence, essentially, is the possession of the ability to increase the value of others around you. That’s why guys who don’t have money but do demonstrate this quality are still able to attract beautiful, self-assured women. So how do you exude this quality when you meet a woman? Before we talk about that, we have to examine what’s going on in a woman’s head when she first encounters you and decides how attractive you are. How does she evaluate you? How is she able to read your personality the way you’re reading this book? ...whatever you’re feeling at any given moment tends to show automatically in your body language. There’s one simple thing that we can all read naturally on the surface of everyone we meet: body language. I won’t go into too much detail here because body language is such an important topic that I’ve dedicated an entire chapter to it later on, so for now just know that humans read body language instantly and make countless TheTaoOfBadass 25