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29 Confidence you’re attractive, you’re going feel disappointed and rejected. You might even get angry, and feel like you’ve been attacked in some way. Your body language will instantly reflect all of those negative feelings. You’ll slouch, you’ll keep your head down, and you’ll keep your eyes glued to the ground. You’re going to try to make your body as small as possible so that you can “disappear” and avoid more psychological attacks. It's up to you to decide have the powerful and positive belief system that will make you attractive to women. If you don't make a committed effort to acquire them, it won't matter what else you learn. You could read this book a million times and you'd still have trouble. It's not until you decide to have confident beliefs about yourself that you will be attractive to women. Women typically tend to be more perceptive than men, and better at detecting lies, so they’ll see right through you if you’re faking it. It is infinitely more effective to create a new belief system for yourself. I remember when I first tried out this concept. I was in a town I used to live in and I was studying psychology. I was just starting to apply a lot of the psychological concepts I’d learned to my real life. I would literally take information straight out of the psychology books I was reading and try them out after class. One thing I tested was the idea that our minds create the atmosphere around us, the atmosphere does not create our minds. What that meant was that I knew that as long as I could control what I believed, I should be able to control the atmosphere that surrounded me to some TheTaoOfBadass NOTES