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Gender Roles her gender role. In this situation, you are likely to have a successful relationship because you balance each other out. If you don’t play your gender role, or don’t allow a woman to play hers, role reversal will occur and the relationship will fail. I’ll tell you more about role reversal shortly, but first I want to talk about the dichotomy that exists within every man. There are two basic parts to your personality: the little boy, and the man. It’s natural for the little boy to want to live his life based on his feelings. However, You’re allowed to feel, but you can’t as we just discussed, being openly emotional falls within the realm of allow those feelings to influence your the female gender role. So does decision-making process when you’re in a that mean that, as a man who is committed to playing the male relationship. gender role, you’re never allowed to feel? Not exactly. What it really means is that you’re not allowed to make emotionally-based decisions. If you start making emotionally-based decisions, the women you’re with will feel that they can’t make emotionally-based decisions. Two emotional people do not make a healthy relationship! To compensate, the women will begin to replace their feelings with logic, and will start to lead the relationship. Role reversal will occur: you will be forced into the female gender role, and she will be forced into the male gender role. Neither of you will be happy with the dynamic in the relationship, and you will blame each other for your unhappiness. TheTaoOfBadass 16