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15 Gender Roles Unfortunately, though, that’s not an entirely safe assumption anymore. With the invention of the Internet came the ability to make money online without interacting with even one person. Money, therefore, is no longer an accurate indicator that a man is a good social provider. Women are learning to abandon the superficial idea that they are interested in men with money, and are coming to understand that the money was merely an indication of a core quality they found attractive. Women can now actively seek out men who give other people value, who make other people feel happier and more important. In that sense, women are phenomenal talent scouts! Shortly after meeting a man, a woman can recognize if he possesses this quality – or even just the potential to possess it. He doesn’t even have to fulfill that potential, because she already understands that he has the ability to increase the value of those around him, the one quality that every wealthy person has. Again, the personality trait that leads to wealth is more important to a woman than wealth itself. Now that you understand how the male gender role has evolved, let’s talk about the female gender role. Women no longer have to function solely as nurturers because there are nannies and other people who are able to do the nurturing instead. Men now find women attractive when they fulfill the role of empathizer – a person who feels what other people feel. The crucial thing to remember is that if you perform your gender role, you will attract a woman who wants to perform TheTaoOfBadass NOTES