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Survive the End Days
The functions of essential amino acids:
Histidine: This amino acid fights off depression, by shielding the nerve cells
against damage. Not only that but it protects all tissues against damage. Lack of
histidine can lead to rheumatic arthritis in adults and deafness caused by nerve
damage. You can find it in cantaloupe, beans, potatoes, cauliflower, corn,
seaweed, rice, wheat and rye.
Lysine: gives you energy and has a crucial role for your immune system, as it
produces antibodies and enzymes (which are biological catalysts, meaning they
help speed up metabolic processes through chemical reactions; without these
catalysts, the body would not be able to perform its most important functions).
The following are lysine-rich foods: beans, lentils, chickpeas, nuts (such as
almonds, cashews), parsley, hemp seeds, chia seeds, avocados.
Methionine: it is an essential amino acid that fights off free radicals and helps
produce sulphur, which helps the metabolism run smoothly. You can find it in
beans, onions, wheat, oats, seeds (chia, sunflower, hemp), seaweed, cacao,
raisins and figs.
Tryptophan: the main functions of tryptophan, the largest amino acid, is to
positively influence mood and sleep. The following are tryptophan rich foods:
beans, lentils, cereals (oats), seaweed, seeds (hemp, chia), leafy greens
(spinach, watercress, lettuce) pumpkin, sweet potatoes, parsley, peppers, onions,
mushrooms, avocado, asparagus, beans, beats, carrots, chickpeas, celery, fruits
such as apples, bananas, oranges and figs.
Valine is used by our bodies to repair tissues. It is particularly useful for people
suffering from liver diseases. You can find it in: beans, whole grains, broccoli,
spinach, avocado, soy, seeds (hemp, sesame, chia), fruits (apples, apricots,
blueberries, cranberries, figs, oranges).
Isoleucine: this amino acid maintains the blood sugar levels within normal
parameters. If your blood sugar levels are too high, then you risk developing
kidney disorders, eye problems, heart diseases and strokes. Not something you
would look forward to when all hell breaks loose, right? It can be found in cereals
(oats, rye), nuts (cashews, almonds), beans, brown rice, seeds (sesame chia,
pumpkin, sunflower), or fruits (apples, kiwis, cranberries).
Leucine: this amino acid increases your muscle mass, so you gather body
strength. It also supplements your body with energy and adjusts your blood
sugar, while improving brain functions. Did you know that leucine helps your
body heal faster, which is great, especially in times of distress? Make sure you
eat the following: pumpkin, kidney beans, peas, sesame and sunflower seeds,
seaweed, watercress, avocados, soy, apples, bananas, blueberries, dates, figs,
olives and raisins.
Phenylalanine: the same as leucine, phenylalanine helps benefits the nervous
system, as it protects your brain and spinal cord nerves. Consume as much as
you can of the following: beans, rice, seaweed, avocado, olives, pumpkin,
peanuts and almonds, seeds (hemp, chia), berries, figs and raisins.
Threonine: aids the production of antibodies and collagen, a protein that
basically “glues” our entire body together. Have you ever experienced any
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