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Survive the End Days  Use a collapsible water bottle for extra storage, which can even fit in your own pocket.  Alternatively, you can get a folding bucket (also known as backpacking bucket) for easier collection. When folded, it is very compact, but when in need, you can use it as a water container. Follow the link below to see a demonstration of how you easy it is to install such an item. CTR+click on the image to see the external reference or copy paste the link below the image: 2. Canned foods Ready-to-eat canned meats, fruits, and vegetables are highly recommended, since they will provide the necessary calorie intake and preserve their nutritious values. The US Department of Agriculture revealed that canned foods maintain their fiber, minerals and vitamins, despite having a long shelf life (of a few decades!). What’s even more surprising is that fresh fruits lose nutrients through oxidation (contact with air), whereas canning fruits preserves a higher concentration of vitamins than it can be found in the actual fresh product. Canned beans, for instance, have a shelf life of 3 decades. When these are combined with rice, they form a complete protein and represent the ultimate survival food, as this combination provides your body with all 9 essential amino acids (histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine) out of a total of 29, which the body cannot produce. 50 | P a g e