Survive the End Days
When and if you have to bug out , you will only have a few seconds to evacuate the premises , so you will only have time to grab your bag and run . If you haven ’ t packed a bugout back by now , spare no time and avoid the full blown panic later .
If you have your bug out bag with you , then you will be prepared , much like a soldier is on the battlefield . But if not , then you will be just like a civilian who has no idea of what he has to do save his life and chances are he won ’ t last for too long out there .
a . 15 Items You Can ’ t Go Without
Therefore you also must be ready , for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect . ( Matthew 24:44 )
Doesn ’ t it seem like a blessing in disguise the fact that God wants you to save yourself when all you see around is terror ? How you react during this period will influence your relationship with God . Don ’ t make Him angry , pledge total submission to Him and you will be saved from eternal damnation .
The first step is to deal with the bug out bag . It should contain plenty of food and water resources , which should last you for a few days . However , the most complex challenge is knowing what other items to include in your bug-out bag and what items to disregard . Of course you would like to include pretty much everything that comes to mind , but speaking from experience , only some items bear a crucial importance :
1 . Water
God said " Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that have life ( Genesis 1:20 )
While you can go without food for as long as three weeks , you couldn ’ t survive for more than 3 days without water .
In a survival situation , the drinking water will quickly become one of the most invaluable goods . 1 liter / day / person is the bare minimum you should consider storing . However , a few gallons of water will prove insufficient when you have to spend longer periods of time in the wild . This is why you are going to need to go foraging for water , but make sure you purify the water you find out there .
For this end , you can either boil the water , use iodine tablets , or create a water filter , but you can read more on that in the next subchapter . From my travels to the Sahara or Nairobi Deserts , I can tell you that water is the last thing you should be lacking in .
Also , consider these tips :
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