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chances of an embryo attaching to the uterine wall. Although, removing fibroids
can leave scar tissue in the uterine cavity that can make it more difficult to get
pregnant since a fetus can have a hard time implanting on scar tissue.
The Ovaries
The ovaries may be two of the most important organs needed to have a baby
since they hold and protect the eggs needed for conception. Women do not
make eggs throughout their lifetime. Instead, they are born with the amount they
will ever have stored in their ovaries. Every month, some are lost due to a variety
of biological reasons, while one or two are released for fertilization. If a sperm
does not fertilize the egg, it is flushed from the body during the woman’s monthly
Should one or both ovaries (and the eggs it contains) become
damaged or diseased any time during her life, it can greatly affect her chances of
ever bearing children.
The Eggs
Without healthy viable eggs, a woman has a zero percent chance of getting
pregnant or giving birth to a healthy baby. Eggs are made up of some important
factors including its Chromosomes, which contain the genes that will determine
what your baby will look and act like; whether it will be short or tall; healthy or not;
fat or skinny; and so much more.
A human egg is made up of three protective layers starting with the nourishing
and protective cumulus layer; followed by the corona radiate, a protective single
layer of cells covering the zona pellucida, or egg “shell.”
A mature, ready-for-fertilization egg (also called an ocycte), contains only 23
chromosomes. Add that to the 23 offered by the male’s sperm and your new
baby’s cells gets the 46 chromosomes needed to be perfect. Miss one or two
2005-2013 Pregnancy Miracle- Lisa Olson-
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