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27 chromosomes and your baby with either have a serious malady or you will miscarry. The Fallopian Tubes Every month a woman’s ovaries releases one or two eggs to be fertilized so it can grow in the safety of the womb. But, first, it must get there, travelling by way of the fallopian tube, which connects each ovary to the uterus. Without healthy tubes, the egg can neither become fertilized (since a blocked tube will prevent the sperm from getting to it in the first place), or make its way to the safety of the nourishing womb. Tubes can be damaged in several ways, with the most common culprits being infection or endometriosis. While both tubes do not have to be clear in order to get pregnant, your chances of conceiving are reduced if one is damaged or blocked in any way. Her Menstrual Cycle If all of your reproductive organs are not working properly, they can affect your menstrual cycle and your ability to get pregnant. Unfortunately, when it comes to a woman’s menses a lot of things can go wrong. But, before we begin to discuss all of the things that can negatively affect your menstrual cycle, let’s first take a look at how it all works: Step One A woman’s pituitary gland releases FSH -- a follicle-stimulating hormone -- after the monthly menses has ended. Meanwhile in the ovary, a dozen or so antral follicles (fluid filled sacs surrounding the egg), begin to grow. It is during this time that at least one egg matures. 2005-2013 Pregnancy Miracle- Lisa Olson- Page 27