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25 The Cervix The cervix is a tight muscle-like tissue found in the lower part of the uterus. Its main job is to hold the baby in place until delivery. However, it also guards against infection by forming a mucus barrier between your vagina and the inside of the uterus. An incomplete cervix can be a cause for concern, since it is not closed enough to hold the baby in place, thus causing a miscarriage once the baby’s weight presses against it, opening the cervix even more. An incompetent cervix can usually be fixed by suturing the cervix closed until delivery. The Uterus A woman’s uterus, otherwise known as the womb, is typically a pear shaped organ designed to hold and nurture a baby for the nine months it takes to develop inside the mother’s body. In the past it has been highly believed that a woman with a retroverted uterus, or one that is flopped forward toward your pubic bone could not get pregnant. This is simply not true. However, there are some uterine malformations that can affect your ability to both get pregnant and to maintain a pregnancy long enough to give birth to a healthy baby. They include: A septate uterus , which features a band of tissue called the septum which can partially or completely divide the inside of the uterus. Bicornuate (two-horn) and unicornuate (one-horn) uteri feature either one (uni) or two (bi) narrower-than-normal cavities. Women with this type of uterus often miscarry once they do become pregnant. Polyps, also known as benign fibroid growths in the uterus can interfere with a woman’s ability to conceive, and need to be removed in order to increase their 2005-2013 Pregnancy Miracle- Lisa Olson- Page 25