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Endomorph (soft, prone to be overweight)
Endomorphs usually have larger bones, carry more fat cells and are generally
short to medium in height. This group doesn’t have a tough time putting on
muscle but on the other hand, they have a tough time losing fat. Some traits of a
classic Endomorph are short legs, big bones, and a high bodyfat percentage.
Also, fat around the abdomen is much deeper than fat on the hips or thighs, as
this directly affects the amount of fat stored around the body's organs such as the
heart, which can increase the incidence of heart disease and high blood pressure.
That's not all, there's more bad news. Unfortunately if you lean toward this body
type, you are going to find it harder to lose weight than the mesomorph. Being an
endomorph does not mean it's the end of the world, maintaining a healthy weight
is what you need to aim for, this helps to reduce the amount of fat around your
heart and other important organs.
However, because very few people can be classified as strictly belonging to any
one of the three categories, more recently combination somatotyping has proven
to be more accurate and much more useful. These somatotype combinations
Ecto-mesomorph (skinny but with more muscle building traits than a true
One who has a majority of ectomorphic traits and a few mesomorphic ones. Ecto-
mesomorphs usually have a frame that is slightly heavier and tends to carry more
muscle mass than a true ectomorph. The metabolism of the Ecto-mesomorph is
not as “lightning fast” as a true Ectomorph.
Meso-ectomorph (naturally muscular but still skinnier than true
With a body that has mostly mesomorphic traits and a few ectomorphic ones,
Meso-ectomorphs can easily gain muscle mass but can lose it more quickly than
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