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Ectomorph (very skinny)
Ectomorphs are generally known as “skinny” or “hardgainers” and tend to have
long thin bones. They have a very fast metabolism and seem to eat as much as
they want and not gain an ounce of fat. Although the inability to gain fat is a
benefit, they unfortunately have a very difficult time putting on muscle.
This is the linear body type with narrow shoulders, and low body fat. Their
slender shape and lack of fat gives them the look of having well formed muscles.
The ectomorph is characterized by a high forehead, receding chin, narrow hips
and chest, and thin arms and legs.
Mesomorp h (naturally muscular, slightly stocky)
Mesomorph body-type is what most guys would like to have especially amongst
serious body builders. They carry large bones and have no problem putting on
muscle mass. Mesomorphs put on fat easier than ectomorphs but can also put on
muscle easier than ectomorphs
Many athletes (especially strength-specific) will carry attributes of a mesomorph.
Broad shoulders, smaller waists and an athletic look makes this body-type
very desirable for males to have.
Mesomorphs build muscle tissue at a higher rate than other somatotypes and
can, in some cases, drop fat like an ectomorph pending a proper diet and fitness
routine. The recovery system in mesomorphs is very rapid, meaning they can
endure very intense training sessions and have their bodies ready to lift again
with less rest than an ectomorph.
As a side note, this group tends to hold fat in their hips and thighs. However, it is
much healthier to carry fat in these places than the abdomen (like the
endomorphs will).
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