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How do you Identify Your Somatotype? There is a numbering system we will use to properly classify your somatotype. Here is how it works: Rate yourself a score of 1-7 on each of the three basic body types in this order. (Ectomorph-Mesormorph-Endomorph). The number value on which you rate yourself is detailed below. 7. Very High 6. High 5. Moderately High 4. Average 3. Moderately Low 2. Low 1. Very low If your score is 1-7-1 you could categorize yourself as a pure mesomorph. You see, 1 is for the ectomorphic traits, 7 is for the mesomorphic traits and the last digit is for the endomorphic traits. So, if you score a 7-1-1 you are a pure ectomorph. A pure endomorph would score 1-1-7. Remember, in most cases we are a combination of somatotypes. To determine your somatotype, pick out the traits that seem to best fit you in the details given above. Let’s look at an example of a combination somatotype: This could be a guy that is naturally skinny but responds to weights although he reaches muscle building plateaus quickly. He can put on some muscle with hard work but loses it quickly when he stops working out for any length of time. His score might be: 5-3-1. 5 being his ectomorphic score, 3 being his mesomorphic score, and 1 being his endomorphic score. Page 10