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7 - DAY DETOX DIET DETOX MEAL PLAN MEAL 1 Consume a light protein and fat breakfast. Sample recommendation: A few ounces of chicken or turkey (depending on size of individual- 3oz-9oz range) 2-4 whole organic eggs Broccoli or spinach Cooked in a pan in coconut oil ½ grapefruit 1 hr before meal 2 1 liter of water with 1 fresh squeezed lemon MEAL 2 Organic Greens Shake *you must add at least 3 of the recommended greens into a blender or juicer. Add beets or apple juice for flavor. (ex/spinach/broccoli sprouts/wheat grass/avocado) 1 stalk fennel *blend or juice MEAL 3 One normal size serving of wild caught fish of choice (4-10oz) 2 cups organic brown rice (no substituting) 2 veggies of choice MEAL 4 ½ Grapefruit MEAL 5 Large serving of wild caught fish OR Large Veggie Omelette (no milk or cheese) Plus-2 veggies of choice PHOTOGRAPHY BY RICK SCHAFF WWW.BENPAKULSKI.COM Eric Babcock SMQXQX3E 12