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7 - DAY DETOX DIET First things first, HOW MUCH WATER DO I DRINK WHILE ON THE DETOX? 0.6-0.7 oz per pound (lb) of bodyweight This means that a 200lb man would drink: 200 x 0.6 = 120 200 x 0.7 = 140 Therefore, 120-140 ounces OR 3.5 - 4 Liters per day. YOUR 7-DAY DETOX PLAN DAY 1 - - Start EACH day by drinking ΒΌ of your total daily water allowance. (for the 200 lb man above, he would drink 1liter) mixed with the juice of ONE freshly squeezed organic Lemon. (some people choose to drink this as warm water which can aid in detoxing benefits). - - Drink ONE serving of organic greens superfoods OR One large serving of blended green vegetables including ATLEAST 3 of the ingredients listed above under Raw or Green Vegetables. MAKE A POINT to start each day of the detox in this way. (I actually recommend doing this everyday of your life). PHOTOGRAPHY BY RICK SCHAFF WWW.BENPAKULSKI.COM Eric Babcock SMQXQX3E 11