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- If your ex is showing you that they are thinking about rekindling things,
then it would be healthy to be open with them. But, if their signals are
pointing in the other direction, it may be wiser to step back and let things
happen more naturally.
Sacrifice and compromise are both critical parts in the give and take that
go hand in hand with any relationship.
Nothing is going to make mending a broken relationship simple, but
some of the following advice can certainly make it a lot less difficult
overall to give you ex love a reason to want to come back to you.
What you need to be focusing on is rectifying the causes that led to the
breakup to eliminate the tension and stress that brought the split on in
the first place.
When a relationship fails, you need to take that as an indication that
something went wrong. If your ex love was the one who left you, then it
was likely for one of two reasons: Either the relationship was becoming
stale because there was not enough of you in it, or the relationship was
getting too claustrophobic because there was too much of you in it.
Either way, one of these causes is going to lead to relationship suicide. If
you really want your ex love back, you need to start looking at which of
these led to the break up so you can act accordingly.
Whatever the issue is that chiefly contributed to the split, it was probably
either something that you did, or something that you didn't do. It may be
harsh to look at things this way, but that is simply how it usually works.