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There are a number of different reasons for why they may suddenly need space , including family problems , insecurities , or a fear of commitment just to name a few .
Here are some tips for answering the age old question : " How do I get my ex back if they say they need more space ?"
- You are not going to want to lose your pride , or to allow them to get the best of you – even though you are still in love . It may be ideal to play a little bit hard to get at first , in order to show them that , Yes , it was their loss and not yours .
- If you are feeling like your ex love still has feelings for you , then it may be ideal for you to strike up a conversation with them . Keep communication to a minimum in order to keep the level of emotion to a minimum .
Short text messages , brief phone calls and on line conversations in passing are all a great way to remind them how much they should be a part of your life without overwhelming them with your presence when they may actually want and need space .
- Eventually they will begin to show significant interest in you again if all goes well , and this will give you the chance to truly begin to reminisce with them .
Keep in mind that you should focus primarily on all of the good memories associated with your relationship in the past .
While rekindling a relationship with your ex love , you are going to want to stay away from the bad experiences and negative experiences in case they conjure bad feelings and undo your hard work .
- If your ex love is not responding to your slow and subtle advances , you need to take it for what it is . Either they really are not interested in you right now , or they really do just need space and you should give it to them . If , on the other hand , they seem to be interested in you more than before , or are slowly warming up to you again , then you should continue gradually courting them to rekindle the relationship .
- If your ex love is giving you the right signals , you can try to open your heart up to them a little . Let your ex love know how you feel , but avoid looking desperate or needy in the process .