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0BChapter 1—Introduction
discomfort of taking them off and feeling temporary weakness and maybe
experiencing some difficulties in walking?
It is time to realize that drugs are not the answer. It is time to take off the
plaster cast of old perceptions and destructive habits. It is time to take off the
plaster cast of fear to make an effort for your body, health and inner balance,
to do more than just put creams on your acne and swallow poisonous, useless
pills because some very educated dermatologist told you to do so. It is time to
listen to your body and take responsibility.
It’s time to start walking.
4. Educate yourself.
Only if you understand the reasons as to why the change is necessary, both
mentally and emotionally, will it become much easier to make the change. If
you become educated as to why it is so harmful to consume fried, overcooked
foods, refined carbohydrates and hydrogenated oils, what happens to your
hormonal levels and your digestive system when you are consuming dairy
products, why it is obligatory to cleanse and what happens to your body
during a cleanse, why it is so important to listen to what your body is trying to
tell you, why acne is a message from an unbalanced body that you cannot
afford to ignore, then your mind will provide the necessary justification for you
to naturally make an effort toward a change.
If you visit an industrial meat factory and observe the cows and chickens
being slaughtered without mercy, stuffed with antibiotics and steroids and
inhabiting a filthy environment only to become your favorite meal, the
emotions invoked in you from this experience would make you more
conscious of your food.
Only if you learn the truth, dig deeper and get emotionally attached with the
facts will it be natural for you to make the change.
2003 - 201 2 A c ne N o M or e- M ik e W a l d en -
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