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0BChapter 1—Introduction 21 If you try to alter the way you behave without changing your beliefs (the way you think and feel about what needs to be done in order to eliminate your acne), then your beliefs will always "suck" you back to where you started from, and you will go back to doing things you did before the change. You must alter your perceptions and beliefs in order to consistently follow different behavior patterns. So before you adopt the advice and guidelines in this book and incorporate them into your life, try to change your perceptions first. The best practice is simply to forget everything you have been told about acne and about your health in general. Yes, that’s right. It is a fact that most of what you have heard not only about acne but about your body in general (your body is not fragile), what is healthy and what is not (milk will give you strong bones—the opposite is true) is mostly a misconception and often a big fat lie. Almost everyone in Western society was or still is a victim of some sort of hypnosis. The truth is you are fed with lies every single day by a sys