How to Get the Most From the Book
0BChapter 1 — Introduction 15
How to Get the Most From the Book
This book offers a comprehensive natural approach to the treatment of acne . It is aimed at you , my fellow acne sufferer -- you who are fed up with conventional treatments and their horrible side effects , you who are willing to try a natural , long-term and practical way to get rid of acne .
This book is aimed at people with all types of acne of all levels of severity . It is aimed at individuals with different types of skin , different acne conditions or at people who only wish to improve the appearance of their skin and to look and feel younger and more vibrant .
This book will take you on a voyage that leads to acne-free skin through a holistic approach by treating the body as a whole , having it cleansed from the inside , helping it return to normal levels of functionality , thus allowing the skin to heal itself from the inside out .
I truly believe this book will change your life . If you are reading these lines , you are truly blessed beyond belief .
By following the Acne No More™ System to the letter , you will be able to achieve more than just healthy looking skin — clear from spots and pustules . You will feel younger , healthier and vibrant . You will be able to overcome many illnesses and dysfunctions you may have had before the treatment such as constipation , obesity , rashes and Candida . You will achieve all that without the horrible side effects . The Acne No More™ System eliminates the root factors leading to acne , thus achieving real long-term success .
I spent more than 4 years researching , probing and analyzing information concerning acne as well as experimenting every available natural solution . During this time I eliminated what did not work and put aside what was effective . I later combined all the knowledge I learned with other holistic methods for the purpose of building the complete Acne No More™ System .
As mentioned earlier , treating acne is not a short process . It requires persistence and patience . Results may only appear visible after 4 or even 6 weeks . Moreover , each person is unique in the way he or she adapts and reacts to the treatments . Results may vary among different people with different skin types , levels of acne severity and sensitivity to certain foods .
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