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0BChapter 1—Introduction 14 are living proof that acne can be banished. They are the living proof that getting rid of acne, even highly severe cases of acne, is not science fiction. It doesn't have to cost thousands of dollars, and it doesn’t have to involve swallowing enormous amounts of pills or vitamins or spend unrealistic amounts of dollars on all sorts of lotions and ointments, which only mask the symptoms. Acne is in fact a disease, a very tormenting and horrible disease— but not an untreatable or uncontrollable one. The treatment offered in this book is the result of more than four years of intensive holistic research and is based on my own personal experience as well as that of many readers who kindly volunteered to give their own feedback and comments. Getting rid of acne and clearing your skin is something that can be naturally achieved. It can be accomplished, but like anything worthwhile, it requires dedication, persistence and patience. My personal research yielded the Acne No More™ System, which is at the heart of this book. If there was one important thing that I learned in regards to acne, it is that it cannot be cured using a single-dimension protocol. A long- term solution for acne has to be a certain combination of steps that together lead to its elimination and ultimate prevention. The Acne No More™ System is simple to comprehend and may consist of several methods and approaches you may have heard of before, but the key lies in how to conduct each step and in the right order and combination of steps. The program is simple, yet revolutionary. Often, great things come in simple forms. This program works. I know this for a fact as I live by it, and the results speak for themselves. I haven’t yet met the person who followed the Acne No More™ System without experiencing a remarkable change in his or her acne condition. Moreover, many report a dramatic, positive impact over their mental and emotional well-being. I sincerely encourage you to become one of those people. I invite you to give my method a chance so that I can offer you a better life -- an acne-free life. 2003 - 201 2 A c ne N o M or e- M ik e W a l d en - Page 14