GB 530 MENTOR Let's Do This / GB 530 MENTOR Let's Do This / | Page 4
Unit 2 Assignment Rubric
Brand Extension Marketing Plan
Introduction: The major project in this course is to complete a
Brand Extension Marketing Plan for
one new product on the behalf of an existing for-profit
organization. Using the Marketing Plan guide
found in Doc Sharing, complete and submit the following
components of your Marketing Plan.
Unit 2: Identifying and Assessing Marketing Opportunities
Write a one-paragraph summary of the current situation –
write this section after completing the
following sections of the Situation Analysis, but put it in this
2.1 Market Summary
(write this section after completing 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, and
In a 1-2 paragraph summary, address:
? What are your target customer groups? Why?
? What are your projections for the growth of this market?