GB 530 Course Great Wisdom / GB 530 Course Great Wisdom / | Page 2
management of CBC: Make sure your presentation is professional
and provides sufficient explanation.
1. Descriptive statistics:
What is the average rating for all CBC movies? How about ABN
movies and BBS movies? Include a table that shows the average and
the other descriptive statistics for the ratings of the three networks
(one column for each network). Comment on which network is doing
best and what you learn from the other key metrics in the table.
2. Charting:
Create a line graph of the monthly average ratings for CBC for the
year. Note that there are multiple ratings data for the months; you
will need to calculate an average for each month and then plot the
averages. After you create the graph, fit a linear trend line, displaying
the formula and the r-squared. Explain to the executives if you can
use this time series data to forecast the ratings of upcoming months.
How accurate can you expect this forecast to be?
3. Hypothesistesting:
Should the CBC hire stars for their movies? To answer this question,
run a hypothesis test to see if there is a significant difference
between the ratings of movies with stars vs. movies without stars.
Use the data for CBC movies only. Use 95% confidence. Explain your
answer- do not simply say yes or no without referring to the relevant
4. Regression: