Gauge Newsletter September 2015 | Page 11

physically should be taken into consider- tional methods were risky and expensive. haptics to create virtual objects in the ation when laws are created. Therefore, Simulation of the military environment consumers’ vision. Passive haptics means implementation of Augmented Reality for the soldiers without the usage of live the use of existing physical objects as worldwide requires far more effort and ammunition was tested successfully when support to create virtual objects, so as to adoption of the social environment than compared to the traditional methods of modify and deliver a unique experience what is apparent. training. Medical surgery is simulated in associated with the world we know. This virtual renderings for the medical stu- technology delivers a broader variety of Early ages of Augmented Reality delivered dents to learn and experience the scenario uses which range from a tool of entertain- a linear experience for the users which without the presence of a specimen. Also ment to a tool of design. was basically a movie experience with the Augmented Reality has extended to a predetermined path while seated on a treat the phobias as the doctors can All these products are scheduled to be seat which will contribute for the experi- simulate a phobic situation for the patient released for general consumption in the ence as its movement is synchronized without a real danger for them. first quarter of 2016. This shows that we with the virtual projection. The immersion are on the verge of entering a new dimen- of these early technologies was at lower In today’s world implementation of Virtual sion in the world as we know, with the level as the degree of interaction allowed Reality in each of the above mentioned help of evolving technologies. for the users with the virtual world was very low. If the user do not have control over what they see or do, the level of immersion degrades along with the quality of the expected experience. With the passage of time Augmented Reality surpasses these constraints and made user interaction a part of the experience by widening the possibilities and the uses of the technology. Building manufacturers were able to create virtual replicas of future constructions, which paved the way to interact with the clients unlike never before. Vehicle manufacturers were Source: Oculus Rift able to ditch the old methods of prototype scenarios and many other cases is rather manufacturing for designing and modify- rare. But few products which are sched- T. CHANAKA HETTIGE, ing new models and use the virtual ren- uled to be released in the coming few Department of Electrical & Electronic dering of them. years have potential to bring this tech- Engineering (Second Year) nology to the arms of the general public. Augmented Reality has shown that it is These are namely Oculus Rift by Oculus References effective when training military personnel, VR, Microsoft HoloLens by Microsoft 1. Jonathan Strickland. (n.d.). How Virtual medical students and stimulation of space Corporation and Project Morpheus by Sony Reality Works. (Online). Available from : http:// programs. In each of these cases, the tradi- Corporation. [Accessed 22nd June 2015] These products are designed with the intention of delivering an immersive entertainment experience for the users. Video Gaming is in the core of Oculus Rift and Project Morpheus. They also focus on delivering a novel movie experience and a virtual social platform for consumers. Source: 2. PlayStation. (2015). Project Morpheus. (Online). Available From : [Accessed on 28th June 2015] 3. Oculus VR. (2015). Oculus Rift. (Online). Available from : [Accessed on 28th June 2015] 4. Microsoft Corporation. (2015). Microsoft HoloLens. (Online). Available from : https:// HoloLens is apart from the other two, [Accessed on 28th June where it is using holographic technology 2015] in which the device will be using passive Gauge Newsletter University of Peradeniya 11