Concept of modified reality by controlling what we experience
through our five senses is the basis of augmented reality.
Source: www.microsoft.com
e have been modifying
as none of them has been a breakthrough
ness is the virtual counterpart of motion
our perceptions over the
to the public consumption. But over the
sickness, which arise from using Head
last few decades along
past few years, this technology has raised
Mounted Displays which is the common
with the development of
a lot of interest within the general public
display element of Augmented Reality.
technology. Augmented reality is a part of
and with the passing days we can see
Therefore, the research and development
this which we haven’t explored personal-
them emerging into the level of public
into Augmented Reality were held short.
ly as the general public, but which has a
potential to play a major role in our lives.
Along with these technical difficulties,
Concept of modified reality by control-
Basic requirements of an Augmented
social concerns arose with respect to
ling what we experience through our five
Reality system are the ability to cre-
this. There is a possibility of creating
senses is the basis of augmented real-
ate a life size three dimensional image
sociopaths by rendering virtual worlds
ity. Augmented reality has been phrased
with respect to the perception of the
which are violent and which affect the
differently over the years as Virtual
user. Realistic element of the virtual
mental state of an individual. Level of
Reality, Virtual Environment, Cyberspace,
reality comes with the ability to track
addiction relevant to these technolo-
Artificial Reality and Telepresence, but
the movement of the user’s head and
gies might be higher as the immersive
all of them carry the same conceptual
eye, and adjusting the positioning of
nature resembles to the imaginary world
basis. History of Augmented Reality dates
virtual rendering to Z[ZX