Gauge Newsletter September 2015 | Page 9

The main advantage of pervious concrete is that it reduces the the surface of the pavement. They are restricted to areas with generation of urban heat. It helps tree planting in parking lots relatively low traffic volumes and relatively light vehicles, and it and city sidewalks which offer shade and produce a cooling may require costly maintenance if pavement becomes clogged effect in the area. Pervious concrete pavements or sidewalks with sediment and no longer allows infiltration. allow adjacent trees to receive more air and water, and still permit the full use of the pavement. It absorbs, stores heat and then Because of the above reasons, still pervious concrete requires radiates heat back into the environment like a typical asphalt improvements. Some of the improvements identified are the use surface. The open void structure of the pervious pavement also of an underground drainage system, the use of uniform gravels allows cooler earth temperatures from below to cool the pave- as base material to avoid trapping water, the use of silica fume, ment. The lighter colour of concrete is beneficial from an energy- super plasticizer, and polymer-modification to achieve a bet- saving standpoint and since the pervious concrete is reflective, ter strength and by allowing slopes to be less than 5-10% to the need for lighting at night is reduced. The main advantages facilitate infiltration rather than runoff. Conclusively, pervious are these pavements are safer for drivers and pedestrians as they concrete can be used as a sustainable material, but still several reduce hydroplaning and tire spray. In some countries, parks are improvements are required. installed with pervious concrete pathways to provide access for people in wheelchairs. Although there are a lot of advantages in using pervious con- CHATHURIKA JAYASUNDARA crete, there are a lot of disadvantages too. Some of the envi- Department of Civil Engineering ronmental factors are, the rising of the water table below the (Fourth Year) pavement to a higher level thus preventing the precipitation from being absorbed into the ground and migration of road References salt containing chlorides through the porous pavement into 1. Pervious Concrete Pavement, [online], groundwater, that if freezes could destroy the concrete. Pervious Available: pavement should not be used in sites where excessive oil, grease, 2. The Practical Application and Economic and Environmental or other chemical deposition may lead to groundwater con- Benefits of Pervious Concrete,[online], tamination, such as automotive repair shops. Pervious pavement Available: types have a high potential for failure unless properly designed, 3. Concrete & Sustainable Development, [online], constructed, maintained and it requires a proper maintenance. Available: Especially for porous concrete and asphalt paving, maintenance 4. includes vacuum sweeping to remove deposited sediment as 5. Karthik. H ,Pervious concrete for sustainable well as washing with a high-pressure hose to remove clogs in development,[online], Available: PERVIOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENTS ALLOW ADJACENT TREES TO RECEIVE MORE AIR AND WATER Source: Gauge Newsletter University of Peradeniya 9