Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine May 2019 | Page 25
Astrophotography: Art in the Universe
Mario Cogo
Mario Cogo is an
from Vicenza, Italy.
His work has been
published in
astronomy magazines,
books and digital
publications, as well
as being exhibited in
museums and
featured in NASA’s
Astronomy Picture
of the Day. He was
the winner in the
‘Stars and Nebulae’
category at the
Photographer of
the Year 2018 held at
the Royal Museums
Greenwich, London.
His other works can
be seen at www.
Mario Cogo adalah
seorang astrografer
asal Vicenza, Italia.
Hasil karyanya telah
diterbitkan di majalah
astronomi, buku dan
publikasi digital serta
dipamerkan di
museum dan dimuat
dalam halaman
Astronomy Picture of
the Day milik NASA.
Ia juga memenangkan
Fotografer Astronomi
Terbaik 2018 dalam
kategori “Bintang
dan Nebula” yang
diselenggarakan oleh
Royal Museums
Greenwich, London.
Karya lain Cogo bisa
dilihat di www.
I have been fascinated by the beauty
and secrets of the universe since I saw the
NASA mission Apollo 11 go to the moon
when I was a child. At the age of 17,
I took my first successful astrophoto. Sejak menyaksikan misi NASA Apollo
11 ke bulan semasa kanak-kanak, saya selalu
terkesima dengan keindahan dan misteri jagat
raya. Pada usia 17 tahun, saya pun berhasil
membuat karya astrofoto.
Living in a light-polluted area, I must travel
for every imaging session to get the dark sky
that is required. As a lighting engineer, I know
very well the issue of light pollution. My
astrophotos show not only the beauty of the
starry night, but what we are losing with an
indiscriminate and inefficient use of artificial
light which dramatically reduces the visibility
of stars and, like any other form of pollution,
disrupts ecosystems and has adverse
health effects. Tinggal di area berpolusi cahaya mengharuskan
saya melakukan perjalanan dalam setiap sesi
pemotretan guna mendapatkan langit yang
gelap. Sebagai insinyur bidang pencahayaan,
saya mengerti betul masalah polusi cahaya.
Astrofoto yang saya buat tidak hanya
menampilkan keindahan malam berbintang
tetapi juga menunjukkan apa yang hilang akibat
pemakaian lampu-lampu yang tidak efisien,
mengakibatkan bintang-bintang tak lagi dapat
terlihat dan seperti halnya polusi lain, polusi
cahaya mengganggu ekosistem serta
berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan.
Helix Nebula (NGC7293)
Located in the constellation of Aquarius,
this nebula has been nicknamed the ‘Eye of
God’ and is a typical example of a class of
objects called planetary nebulae. The central
star of the Helix Nebula was once a star very
similar to our own Sun. The remnant central
core, known as a planetary nebula nucleus,
is destined to become a white dwarf star.
Our Sun will blossom into a planetary nebula
when it dies in about five billion years.
Berada di rasi bintang Akuarius, nebula ini
dinamakan “Eye of God” (Mata Tuhan) dan
merupakan contoh objek yang disebut nebula
planeter. Bintang inti dari Nebula Heliks awalnya
adalah bintang serupa matahari. Sisa dari
bintang inti, yang dikenal dengan nukleus
nebula planeter, menjadi bintang katai putih.
Matahari diperkirakan akan menjadi nebula
planeter ketika mengakhiri hidupnya dalam
kurun sekitar waktu lima miliar tahun.