Garuda Indonesia Colours Magazine June 2018 | Page 31

Explore | Masterclass 29 MASTERCLASS Day to Night Photography Stephen Wilkes Since 1983, Stephen Wilkes has built a reputation as one of America’s most iconic photographers. Day to Night™, Wilkes’s defining project, began in 2009. His photographs have been included in the collections of the Museum of the City of New York, the Historic New Orleans Collection and the George Eastman Museum, among many others. His editorial work has appeared in leading publications such as the New York Times Magazine, Vanity Fair, Time and National Geographic. Instagram @stephenwilkes Sejak tahun 1983, fotografer Stephen Wilkes telah membangun reputasinya sebagai salah satu fotografer paling ikonis di Amerika. Proyek Wilkes yang paling penting, yakni Day to Night™, dimulai tahun 2009. Foto-foto Wilkes kini dipamerkan di Museum Kota New York, Historic New Orleans Collection, Museum George Eastman dan banyak lainnya. Karya editorialnya telah muncul di halaman dan sampul publikasi terkemuka seperti New York Times Magazine, Vanity Fair, Time dan National Geographic. www. Instagram @stephenwilkes The sun rises majestically over St Peter’s Basilica as the Vatican stirs into life. In the searing heat of a northern Indian day, Hindu pilgrims bathe in the sacred waters of the Ganges. A procession of cabs create a stream of gleaming yellow as they drive through the night in the city that never sleeps. Matahari terbit dengan megah di atas Basilika Santo Petrus mengawali hari di Vatikan. Di teriknya musim panas di utara India, para peziarah Hindu mandi di sungai suci Gangga. Iringan taksi menciptakan alunan warna kuning berkilauan saat mereka melewati malam di kota yang tak pernah tidur. While photographs have been used since their invention to capture a moment in time, I envisioned changing time in a single photograph. Technology has now evolved to a point where that is possible. Sejak penemuannya, foto digunakan untuk mengabadikan sebuah momen pada satu waktu. Namun dengan perkembangan teknologi, saya mencoba memvisualisasikan pergantian waktu dalam satu foto. Using this new technology, I’ve been able to express this fascination through a series of photographs: Day to Night™. These epic cityscapes and landscapes, portrayed from a fixed camera angle for up to 30 hours, capture fleeting moments of humanity as light passes in front of my lens over the course of a full day. Blending these images into a single photograph takes months to complete. Menggunakan teknologi baru, saya berhasil mengekspresikan pesona ini melalui serangkaian foto bertajuk Day to Night™. Pemandangan kota dan lanskap epik, yang diambil dari sudut statis hingga selama 30 jam, ini menangkap mo