Gaming for You Volume 1. | Page 13

David Diebold featured at Twitch Con!

David Diebold has been to a few Twitch cons in his career of streaming. .

Diebold now reaching over 10,107 followers had some advice to give to those who wish to stream. Being a communication major he believes twitch helps him network with other people and strives each day to reach his goal to be able to use Twitch as a full time job.

“This is a big do as I say not as I do,” Diebold laughed and explained. Diebold strongly believes in helping new content creators. “Be consistent, start on time, be there for people and do not stop talking. Continuously talking keeps you going. It might take a week, a few months, it might take a few years to start that growth, but when it does it will begin snowballing from there. Even now from time to time I do cooperation streams with other Twitch partners or affiliates.” Diebold would never quit streaming. He explains it is important to have a preference for a content creators niche and to be sure to have streams setup that further engage with the community a content creator has created. “Even though it depends on the game I mostly stream single player simulation games but by virtue it is mostly single player,” Diebold explained. “On Fridays I do my community days. I’ll hop in a multiplayer game such as Players Unknown Battlegrounds, Golf with your friends and stuff like that with the community.”

Looking at where Diebold is now from where he started, Diebold does not really believe in having an end goal as most would in this particular career.

“I don’t really set goals,” said Diebold. “I go with the flow. If I had to pick a goal it would be to continue the growth that I have seen over the past few years and make more connections. I never really thought about setting goals,” Diebold continued. “Things have been moving up this year. In two years I still want a community that comes around and hangs out. It ties in with the goals, I never really thought about it. I play for fun a majority of the time. That is why I started, it looked fun so I jumped in.” Those interested can join Diebolds Twitch streams through here, Diebold encourages content creators to never stop doing what they believe in.