FY 2023 Popular Annual Financial Report FY 2023 Popular Annual Financial Report | Page 16

Enhance Regional Mobility

Mobility projects take on many different looks in Arlington , but the goal is always the same – to improve the lives of our residents and enhance visitor experience . In FY23 , Public Works crews completed a number of major street projects and sidewalk projects as well as millions of dollars in maintenance work to extend the lifespan of city ’ s streets and keep them smoother for commuters . While building roads to the future , Arlington also continued investing in technology designed to take us there more efficiently and safely . These are just some of the ways we continue to Enhance Regional Mobility .
City Completes Herschel Street Rebuild
After seven months of construction , the City completed work to rebuild Herschel Street between Martin Luther Drive and New York Avenue in East Arlington . Funding for this project was approved by Arlington voters as part of the $ 137 million Street Improvements package included in the 2018 Bond Election . Additional funding was made available from a Community Development Block Grant .
Southeast Connector Project Kicks Off
The Texas Department of Transportation ’ s $ 2.1 billion Southeast Connector project kicked off in 2023 , aiming to better tie the east and southeast part of Tarrant County to the central part of the county while relieving congestion , increasing safety and improving efficiency for the entire Metroplex . The core project , which includes sections of roadway in Arlington , will rebuild , widen and transform the Interstate 20 , I-820 and US 287 interchange . That initial phase will open in 2027 . The project represents the largest investment of funds on any roadway project in the history of TxDOT ’ s Fort Worth District .
City Begins Poly Webb Road Improvements
In May 2023 , the City began construction to transform Poly Webb Road from Pleasant Ridge Road to Shorewood Drive from a two-lane county-type asphalt roadway to a two-lane concrete roadway with sidewalks . The project , approved in the 2014 Bond Program , also includes streetlight improvements , new traffic signs , underground storm drain infrastructure , a roundabout with center landscaping at the Bowman Springs Road intersection and water and sanitary sewer infrastructure renewals .